According to the order of the head of the state, were summarized the results of the work carried out by the interdepartm…

A meeting was held in the authority of Khorezm region on February 10 of this year, according to the results of the work carried out by the working group, with the participation of representatives of the National Guard an…

Commander of the National Guard, Major General R. Djuraev visited the embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Uzbekistan an…

The commander of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan noted that received with deep concern and grief reports about the consequences of strong earthquakes in the south-eastern regions of Turkey on February 6 …

On the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of Mir Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur was held Literary and…

By military personnel of the division National Guard located in Tashkent region was organized a literary and educational event in order to get acquainted with the great contribution of the two creators, who were the pill…

Literary and educational night on the theme" Alisher Navoi and the legacy of Babur – an incomparable spiritual treasure"…

On the occasion of the 582th and 540th anniversary of the birth of Mir Alisher Navoi, King and poet Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur at the National Guard Center for spirituality and enlightenment was held Literary and educatio…

The missing girl was returned safe to the hug of her parents.

On February 7 of this year, at about 9:00 pm, a citizen A.M who was declared "missing" on the territory of the "Shodiyona" of the Karasuv Massif found by employees of the "Guard" Department of the Samarkand region and tr…

Punishment for a crime is inevitable

On February 1 of this year, in a shopping center located on Nurafshan Street, Almazar district, an unknown person aroused suspicion among military employees. When examined through surveillance cameras connected to an inf…

As we reported earlier, the interdepartmental working group under the leadership of the commander of the National Guard,…

During the event, the main attention is paid to the issues of identifying and eliminating the problems of the population in the socio-economic, educational, health, law enforcement and communal spheres, as well as furthe…

National Guard in the eyes of youth: a day in the military unit

An open day was held under the slogan "Holy duty to serve the mother-Motherland" With the participation of Deputy commander of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan Colonel S. Mamayusupov at the Jizzakh Region…


FERGANA REGION The National Guard organized a preventive event in the Fergana region department in cooperation with the Information Group of the Fergana Region road Safety Department and employees of the military prosec…

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