A suspected burglary was captured at Chorsu bazaar

On the night of June 2 to June 3 of this year, at about 00.05, employees of the "Guard" Department noticed a broken window in one of the stores during its service duty in the Chorsu bazaar. An unknown assailant was known…

The person who escaped with alimony evasion was caught

On June 2 of this year, in the Mirzachul District of the Jizzakh region, military personnel of the National Guard were captured by a 44-year-old citizen who was wanted by the Bureau of mandatory enforcement under the pro…

The joy of a child is a sign from happiness!

On the occasion of June 1 – International Day for the protection of children, a festive event was organized at the regional puppet theater for the children of military personnel and personnel by the National Guard Andija…

The children's and youth sports school "Yosh Gvardiyachilar" in the Almazar district was renovated and put into use

According to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 50 of February 2, 2022, the children's and Youth Sports School of the Olmazor District of Tashkent City was transferred to the Nationa…

The commander of the National Guard took part in a festive event organized at The Orphanage No. 14 in Chirchik.

Spring events in the same circle, where spring breath is walking in our country, give everyone a high mood. In particular, at the initiative of the command of the National Guard, an event organized at the Orphanage No. 1…

The meeting of the commander and youth took place in an open and sincere spirit

On April 11 of this year, at a meeting held under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic on current tasks for the implementation of a new system of working with young people, the social situation, abilities an…

In one of the military units of the National Guard was held a propaganda event dedicated to the referendum

To identify and eliminate the problems of the population and ensure the stability of the criminogenic situation, the int…

During the studies, special attention is paid to the situation of electricity, gas and drinking water supply of the population of the region, the stability of prices in consumer markets, the adoption of citizens by the f…

According to the order of the head of the state, were summarized the results of the work carried out by the interdepartm…

In the building of the Bukhara regional government, Under the chairmanship of the the commander of the National Guard, Major General R.Djuraev and the governor of the region B.Zaripovs, a meeting was held with the partic…

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